Capote A, Benitez MC, Río M. Generalidades de la Microscopía Confocal. En: Benitez MC, Capote A, Río M, Hernández JR.Microscopía confocal de la córnea. La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 2013. ISBN: 978-959-212-825-5.
Capote A, Rio M, Rodriguez B. Cataract Surgery in Complex Situations. In: Matos A, Agarwal, Lindstrom R. Recent Trends in Cataract Management (Volume 2). New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. 2012; 85-104. ISBN: 9789350903193 DOI: 10.5005/jp/books/11846_8
Capote A et al. Cataract Surgery in Complex Situations. In: Garg A, Alió JL. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology (Pediatric Ophthalmic Surgery) 2011; 111-128. ISBN: 9789350251485 DOI:10.5005/jp/books/11282_16
Capote A, Río M, Cardenas T. Excimer laser assisted Descemet stripping endotelial keratoplasty. In: Garg A, Alio J. Surgical techniques in Ophthalmology. Corneal Surgery. New Delhi: Jaypee – Highlights Medical Publishers; 2010. p. 157–65.
Capote A. Cataract Surgery in complex Situations. In: Garg A. Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Surgery. Vol. II. Ed. Jaypee Highlights Medical Publishers. 2010 (ISBN: 9788184481860
Capote A. Lens subluxation. Ring in the loop technique. In: Garg A. Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Surgery. Vol. II. Ed. Jaypee Highlights Medical Publishers. 2010 (ISBN: 9788184481860
Capote A. TECMICS. Truly endocapsular MICS. In: Garg A. Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Surgery. Vol. II. Ed. Jaypee Highlights Medical Publishers. 2010 (ISBN: 9788184481860
Capote A. Severe traumatic iris dyalisis. In: Garg A. Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Surgery. Vol. II. Ed. Jaypee Highlights Medical Publishers. 2010 (ISBN: 9788184481860
Capote A. Excimer Laser assisted Descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty. In: Garg A. Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Surgery. Vol. II. Ed. Jaypee Highlights Medical Publishers. 2010 (ISBN: 9788184481860
Capote A, Río M, Rodriguez B. Cataract Surgery in complex situations. In: Garg A. Alió J. Surgical techniques in Ophthalmology. Cataract Surgery. Ed. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. 2010; 317-333.
(ISBN: 978818448 776 3)
Eguía F, Río M, Capote A. Manual of Diagnosis and treatment in Ophthalmology. Ed. Ciencias Médicas. ISBN 978-959-212-438-7
Río Torres, M, Capote A et al. Ophthalmology. Current criterias and tendencies. La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 2009. ISBN: 978-959-212-437-0.
Capote A, Jareño M, et al. Keratoconnus and other corneal ectasies. In: Río Torres, M, Capote A et al. Ophthalmology. Current criterias and tendencies. La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 2009. ISBN: 978-959-212-437-0.
Rodríguez Z, Fernandez K, Capote A. Contactology. In: Río Torres, M, Capote A et al. Ophthalmology. Current criterias and tendencies. La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 2009. ISBN: 978-959-212-437-0.
Jareño M, Castillo A, Capote A, Fernandez K. Corneal Angiogenesis. In: Río Torres, M, Capote A et al. Ophthalmology. Current criterias and tendencies. La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 2009. ISBN: 978-959-212-437-0.
Capote A, Río M, Montero E, Santiesteban I, Tejera N.. Capsulo-zonular complex disorders. In: Río Torres, M, Capote A et al. Ophthalmology. Current criterias and tendencies. La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 2009. p. 293-306.ISBN: 978-959-212-437-0.
Capote A, Rodriguez B et al. Secondary intraocular lens implantation. . In: Río Torres, M, Capote A et al. Ophthalmology. Current criterias and tendencies. La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 2009. ISBN: 978-959-212-437-0.
Naranjo R, Miranda TJ, Capote A. Paediatric Cataract. Clinic and surgery. Clínica y cirugía. . In: Río Torres, M, Capote A et al. Ophthalmology. Current criterias and tendencies. La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 2009. ISBN: 978-959-212-437-0.
Capote A. Truly Endocapsular MICS (TECMICS) In: Gian Maria Cavallini et all. Instant clinical diagnosis in Ophthalmology, Lens Diseases. New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers - McGraw Hills (P) Ltd. 2009;13:185-200.
Capote A, Río M, Pérez E. Chopping techniques in Truly Endocapsular Microincision Cataract Surgery (TECMICS) In: Mastering Phacochop Techniques. Jaypee Brothers MP. 1st Ed. Book Chapter. 2008;16:91-95
Capote A. Río M, Pérez E. Management of Refractive Surprises after Cataract Surgery. In: Garg A. Mastering the Techniques of IOL Power Calculation. Jaypee Brothers MP. 2nd Ed. 2008;46:305-313.
Capote A. Río M, Pérez E. TECMICS in normal and complex cases of Cataract Surgery. TECMICS in normal and complex cases of Cataract Surgery In: Garg A. Mastering the Techniques of Advanced Phaco Surgery.2008, Jaypee Brothers MP. 1st Ed. 227-238.
Rio Torres M, Curbelo L. Capote A Integration of Phacochop in modern Cataract Surgery. Multichop Technique. In: El Libro del Cristalino de las Américas. Editora Livraria Santos, Brasil. Sección X, pp 409-419
Rio Torres M, Hernandez JR. Capote A. Chopping techniques in MICS. Book Chapter El Libro del Cristalino de las Américas. Editora Livraria Santos, Brasil. 2007, X, pp 527-38
Río M, Capote A, Hernandez JR, Perez E. Blumenthal Technique, Phacosection and Scleral Tunnel ECCE. In:El Libro del Cristalino de las Américas. Editora Livraria Santos, Brasil. Sección X, pp 569-578
Cárdenas T, Hernández I, Capote A, Ravelo I. Descemet Membrane Endotelial Keratoplasty.: Experimental alternatives experimentales for donor tissue preparation. Oftalmol Clin Exp (ISSN 1851-2658) 2016; 9(3): 98-107.
Capote A, Cruz D, Cárdenas T, Hernández I, Vinardel S, Ravelo W. Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty. New modality of visco-dissection from a sclero-corneal approach. Rev Cub. Oftalm. Vol 26, No 3 (2013)
Capote A et al. Two-step pneumatic dissection in the preparation of donor tissue for Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2013, vol.26, n.1, pp. 3-14. ISSN 0864-2176.
Capote A et al. Conic corneal trephination as a new cutting profile for penetrating and anterior lamellar keratoplasties. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2013, vol.26, n.1, pp. 15-29. ISSN 0864-2176.
Characterization of the corneal endothelium in patients requiring cataract surgery. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2013, vol.26, n.1, pp. 39-47. ISSN 0864-2176.
Capote A, Cárdenas T, Cruz D, Hernández I, Vinardell Ravelo W. Conic corneal trephination as a new cutting profile for penetrating and anterior lamellar keratoplasties. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2013, vol.26, n.1, pp. 15-29. ISSN 0864-2176.
Cárdenas T, Torres R, Corcho Y, Capote A, Cuan Y, Hernández I. Keratometries with use of Pentacam and of the medical history method in hypermetropic patients with previous refractive surgery. Rev Cubana Oftalmol, Abr 2013, vol.26, no.1, p.111-120. ISSN 0864-2176
Rodriguez B et al. Alterations of the corneal endothelium after prechop phacoemulsification versus tunnelized scleracorneal extraction of the crystalline. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2012, vol.25, n.2, pp. 233-242. ISSN 0864-2176.
Cárdenas T, Torres R, Corcho Y, Cruz D, Capote A, Benítez MC . Use of Bevacizumab in corneal neovascularization. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2012, vol.25, n.2, pp. 330-335. ISSN 0864-2176.
Capote A, Cárdenas T , Cruz D, et al. Excimer laser assisted Descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty in iridocorneal endothelial syndrome. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol. 2013, Vol.88 (8), pp.316-319 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oftal.2012.04.011
Stromal scaring and corneal re-inervation by using confocal microscopy in Lasik after radial postkeratotomy of 15 years of evolution. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2012, vol.25, n.1, pp. 48-56. ISSN 0864-2176.
Regenerative medicine and ocular surface. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2012, vol.25, n.1, pp. 104-118. ISSN 0864-2176.
Visual quality in patients operated with multifocal intraocular lens Ocuflex (RYMTF) Revista Cubana de Oftalmología. Vol. 23 Sup 2 2011.
Pentacam usefullness for measurement of corneal power after excimer laser refractive surgery. Revista Cubana de Oftalmología. Vol. 23 Sup 1 2011.
Open globe ocular trauma in zone I. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2011, vol.24, n.2, pp. 399-404. ISSN 0864-2176.
Corneal deposits of ciprofloxacin. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2010, vol.23, suppl.2, pp. 847-857. ISSN 0864-2176.
Effectiveness of the intraocular lens power calculation using the partial coherent interferometry. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2010, vol.23, n.1, pp. 88-99. ISSN 1561-3070.
Experience in the use of Artiflex phakic lenses as a choice for high myopia correction. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2010, vol.23, n.1, pp. 67-77. ISSN 1561-3070.
The use of ultrasound biomicroscopy in our experience with Artiflex phakic lenses to correct high myopia. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2010, vol.23, n.1, pp. 113-121. ISSN 1561-3070.
Effectiveness of Artisan phakic lenses in the correction of high myopia. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2010, vol.23, n.2, pp. 288-298. ISSN 1561-3070.
Visual results achieved in patients operated on from cataract with the use of OcuFlex multifocal intraocular lenses. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2010, vol.23, n.2, pp. 185-195. ISSN 1561-3070.
Results of multiple intraocular lenses implantation in the cataract surgery performed at "Ramón Pando Ferrer" Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2010, vol.23, n.1, pp. 78-87. ISSN 1561-3070.
Capote A, Hurtado N, Pérez E, et al. Truly endocapsular microincision cataract surgery. TECMICS. Rev Cubana Oftalmol, Special Suplement 2009.
Ríos M, Río R, Capote A, et al. History of the Eye Microsurgery Center of the Hospital “Ramón Pando Ferrer” Rev Cubana Oftalmol, Special Suplement 2009.
Ruiz Y, Capote A, et al. Phakic lenses Artisan/Artiflex in the correction of high myopia. Rev Cubana Oftalmol, Special Suplement 2009.
Ruiz Y, Capote A, et al. Posición de la lente intraocular por biomicroscopía ultrasónica en pacientes operados de catarata traumática y con LIOs fáquicas artisan/artiflex. Rev Cubana Oftalmol, Special Suplement 2009.
Ramos Y, Capote A et al. Ultrasound biomicroscopy used in patients operated of traumatic cataract. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2009, vol.22, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3070.
Ruiz Y, Capote A et al. Study of the corneal endothelium in high myopia correction with Artisan phakic intraocular lens. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2009, vol.22, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3070.
Aragonés B, Piloto Díaz, I , Capote A. Management of intraoperative floppy iris syndrome in the cataract surgery. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2007, vol.20, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3070.
Curbelo L, Hernandez JR, Capote A et al. Chopping techniques in micro-incision cataract surgery . Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2006, vol.19, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3070.
Hernandez JR, Curbelo L, Capote A et al. Technique of extracapsular extraction of the crystalline lens through corneal scleral tunnel technique at “Ramón Pando Ferrer” Ophthalmology Institute, 1999-2006. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2006, vol.19, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3070.
Curbelo L, Hernandez JR, Capote A et al. Integration of phacochop to the modern cataract surgery: the multichop technique. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2006, vol.19, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3070.
Al Mansouri , Capote A, Albaker W, Abu Shaikha Sh. Ocular trauma in Qatar: eye injuries in 1999 and 2000The Middle East Journal of Emergency Medicine.Volume 2/ Number 2/September 2002
Anatomo-clinic Correlation in Chronic Glaucoma Patients Operated of Trabeculectomy.
Capote A. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. WOC 2008. Abstract Book. Capote A. Truly Endocapsular Microincision Cataract Surgery(TECMICS) Page A-6
Ruiz Y, Capote A. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. WOC 2008. Abstract Book. Effectivity of Artisan Artiflex Phakic Lens in the correction of Myopia. Page A-80
Capote A. Cirugía de catarata por microincisión puede permitir el reemplazo del cristalino con gel. Ocular Surgery News Latin America Edition, May/June 2007.
Capote A. In my Hands. New technique for microincision cataract surgery. Eyeworld March, 2007.
http://www.eyeworld.org/article.php?sid=3681&strict =&morphologic=&query=epithelium
Capote A. The “Piece of Pie Technique”. Alternative for Small Incision Cataract Removal.
Abstracts Book. ASCRS. 2000
Capote A. Hypnosis as a treatment for Refractive Amblyopia in Adults. Final Program. American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting 1999.
Hernandez A, Río M, Capote A. Rigid IOLs and Phacoemulsification. Final Program. American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting 1999.